After the MRI, the doctor told Dave & Diana, “You have cancer, it has spread throughout your organs, it is inoperable and would you like to speak to a chaplain?” Dave declined and asked for prayer from his family and friends. His surgery included removal of a pancreatic tumor, his spleen, more than ½ of his stomach and also rerouting arteries. Dave believed God worked a miracle and gave him hope! He remained weak, exhausted and ill for almost a year.
On December 21, 2020, after once hearing the devastating news that cancer would take his life, and after 12 long chemotherapy sessions which included radiation and a 16-hour major surgery, and many trips back to the hospital for pain management and infections, the doctors said he was cancer free. To God be the Glory!! Dave had faith from the beginning that God was with him, that He would heal him and God did. Dave would often say that God is good and God never leaves us. He knew God would hear our prayers. “God is amazing and we are really so blessed, so many people said prayers for us and we know God heard them and performed a miracle.” Thank you all, Dave and Dianna.